For Your Glory Podcast
For Your Glory Podcast
Who Are You Building Your Foundation On?

Who are you building your foundation on, is something as Christians we really need to consider. In the Book of 1 Corinthians 3, Paul told the Corinthians that they were not spiritually mature because of the quarrelling that was happening in the church. Some stated that they followed one set and some stated that they followed another set.

As believers, the Lord has established the 5 found ministries to edify the Body of Christ, however, some in the church of today is placing their leaders on a pedestal. Let us remember that we serve a jealous God and we must not put anyone or anything above Him. While we should respect those in authority, nothing and no one and I mean absolutely nothing and no one should take the place of having an intimate relationship with the Lord.

Let us be like Mary who sat at the feed of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


