Who are you worshipping is a question that only you can answer. We have been created to worship on the Lord Jesus Christ and no one else. When we look around us, we see people worshipping everything and everyone except the Lord Jesus Christ. We can often get caught up in worshipping things that are made with our hands or our possessions. The Scripture has warned us that those who worship idols are fools and will be put to shame.
As created beings, we were made to worship on our Creator. Until we come under His rule and surrender, we will not be complete. This is why some often turn to the worshipping of false gods. These same gods, cannot speak or hear us yet still people have chosen to worship them.
If you have been caught in this lie, turn to the Lord Jesus and ask for forgiveness of your idol worshipping and He will forgive you.
Let us come to the Lord and worship Him alone because He is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Isaiah 42: 16 – 17
Isaiah 44: 9 – 11
Psalm 115: 4 – 8
Exodus 20: 1-6