For Your Glory Podcast
For Your Glory Podcast
Do Not Despise The Simple Things

Do not despise the simple things in a world that is constantly seeking our attention for more can be very challenging.  However, when we focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, He will see us through.

In today’s society, we are being told to look down on the simple things, the things are others see as being insignificant. When it comes to the cross and salvation, it is the simple things that the Lord uses. People often want to explain away what Jesus did on the cross thousands of years ago. They think that salvation cannot be so simple. Instead of trying to explain away what the Bible tells us, let us accept it because God’s Word is truth. Let us stop using our human wisdom and accept the wisdom of God when it comes to our salvation and eternity.

Scripture is simple, it is we who want to over-complicate things by adding more to it. If we believe in our hearts and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord then we will be saved (Romans 10:9). Let us confess and believe the Word of God.

If you feel like a prodigal then trust and believe that you can always come back home to the loving arms of the Father. Be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and come back to the Lord.

