Put your sword away and allow the Lord Jesus Christ to fight your battles. Thank you for tuning into another Podcast episode. In today’s episode I will be speaking about what it means to put our sword away and allow the Lord Jesus to not only comfort us but to also so us how not to take matters into our own hands.
When we are being hurt by others, the first and sometimes normal human instinct is to let that person experience our anger. We often want to take matters into our own hands instead of allowing the Lord’s plan to come to pass in His own timing.
In the Book of John, we read where Peter was the first who acted, by pulling his sword and cutting off the ear of a slave of the priest. Like Peter, we often want to help the Lord but this is something that we do not need to do. The Lord does not need our assistance because we do more harm than good. All we have to do is to trust the process and His plans.
Scripture Reading
John 18:10 – 11
Then Simon Peter drew a sword and slashed off the right ear of Malchus, the high priest’s slave. But Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back into its sheath. Shall I not drink from the cup of suffering that Father has given me?”.